Merchints Cleaning & Services BV

Rudolf Dieselstraat 4, 8013NJ Zwolle

+31 (0)572 364 396



Our Sustainability

McGean is committed to sustainability concepts for the products we manufacture and our supply 
chain operations. Our flexible manufacturing capabilities allow us to work closely with our 
customers to develop and supply environmentally friendly products.

Cee-Bee Aviation scientists work with customers to provide environmentally conscious formulations that meet performance targets. Examples of these efforts are our new formulations that reduce the use of volatile organic chemicals (VOC’s) and the implementation of biodegradable ingredients.

McGean’s Specialty Chemicals Division is a global leading manufacturer of trivalent chromium products. Trivalent chromium is a non-hazardous material that can be used as a substitute for the highly hazardous hexavalent chromium while providing many of the same performance properties.

Commitment to sustainability is imperative to our operations. This involves the complete integration of environmental, health, safety, and security (EHS&S) management practices throughout our manufacturing platforms.

In the United States, McGean’s facilities in Cleveland, Ohio and Livonia, Michigan are certified to SOCMA’s ChemStewards EHS&S management system. This comprehensive system drives continuous improvement in all EHS&S aspects. Each facility is required to successfully complete an audit conducted by an approved third-party auditor.

McGean’s Wolverhampton, U.K. facility is ISO 14001 certified. In order to achieve this certification, the facility must have in place a comprehensive environmental management system that meets the International Standards Organization (ISO) requirements. The facility must also have successfully completed an ISO 14001 certification audit by an ISO approved third-party auditor.

Numerous recycling, pollution prevention, and energy conservation practices are used at McGean’s facilities. McGean is committed to working with packaging suppliers who manufacture from recycled components.

In addition, containers of consumed raw materials are cleaned and recycled. External auditors perform energy audits on our sites to recommend best business practices. These include high efficiency lighting, state-of-the-art control systems on plant boilers to increase efficiency and reduce emissions, and recycle/reuse materials to control waste.