Merchints Cleaning & Services BV

Rudolf Dieselstraat 4, 8013NJ Zwolle

+31 (0)572 364 396



GreenBioClean DrainCleaner

A clogged drain can stop kitchen operations – whether it is a busy restaurant or a dinner for two at home.
GreenBioClean DrainCleaner combines fast-acting chemistry to quickly open clogged drains with a beneficial micro-organism that continuously degrades organic drain build-up. The long-lasting microbial action of GreenBioClean DrainCleaner helps maintain free-flowing drain lines and reduce the organic that can cause malodours


Fast, effective drain opener.
Laboratory test confirms that GreenBioClean DrainCleaner quickly opens clogged drains and effectively removes congested kitchen soil.
Helps maintain free-flowing drain lines and prevent drain blockages on a continuous basis.
Reduces the need for additional drain treatment and maintenance.


Long-lasting odour control
Provides long-lasting odour reduction by breaking down odorous volatile fatty acids and odour causing organic build-up. Pleasant lemon fragrance provides instant freshness.

Microbial technology
Microbial technology for long-lasting grease interceptor performance, even under harsh or low-pH conditions.

Sewage treatment plant
For a 1m3 tank. Seeding: 6 measuring jugs to be added directly into the tank. Regular maintenance: put 2 measuring jugs in the toilet bowl every fortnight and flush. GreenBioClean™ Drain Cleaner Powder comes in 4 kg tubs.


GreenBioClean DrainCleaner has been confirmed by practice testing to open clogged kitchen drains and effectively remove congested kitchen soil made of grease, fat, starch, sugar and protein.
This same tests shows that GreenBioClean DrainCleaner performs better than the leading brand of drain cleaners.

The build-up of organics in the drain line is a major cause of blockages and slow-running kitchen and bathroom drain lines. Figures 1 and 2 show results of the performance of the GreenBioClean DrainCleaner on kitchen and bathroom drain soil.

The data in figure 1 shows the result of cleaning performance evaluation of GreenBioClean DrainCleaner on kitchen and bathroom soil spread onto a ceramic tile. 5 g (0.18 oz) of GreenBioClean DrainCleaner was left on the kitchen soil strain for 5 minutes and left on the bathroom soil for 30 seconds  before rinsing for 15 seconds with water. GreenBioClean DrainCleaner demonstrates good efficacy on kitchen and bathroom soil fixed on a ceramic tile.


GreenBioClean DrainCleaner has been confirmed by practice testing to open clogged kitchen drains and effectively remove congested kitchen soil made of grease, fat, starch, sugar and protein.
This same tests shows that GreenBioClean DrainCleaner performs better than the leading brand of drain cleaners.

The build-up of organics in the drain line is a major cause of blockages and slow-running kitchen and bathroom drain lines. Figures 1 and 2 show results of the performance of the GreenBioClean DrainCleaner on kitchen and bathroom drain soil.

The data in figure 1 shows the result of cleaning performance evaluation of GreenBioClean DrainCleaner on kitchen and bathroom soil spread onto a ceramic tile. 5 g (0.18 oz) of GreenBioClean DrainCleaner was left on the kitchen soil strain for 5 minutes and left on the bathroom soil for 30 seconds  before rinsing for 15 seconds with water. GreenBioClean DrainCleaner demonstrates good efficacy on kitchen and bathroom soil fixed on a ceramic tile.

Figure 2 shows results of a test which kitchen soil was spread onto the inner wall of test tubes to simulate drain soil. An untreated tube was used as control, and the treated tube was inoculated with GreenBioClean DrainCleaner micro-organisms. After 10 days the tube was given a slight shake with medium evacuation, simulating a water flush. The treated tube released the main part of the residual soil remaining in the tube, demonstrating that the beneficial micro-organisms in the GreenBioClean DrainCleaner are able to grow or degrade organics in kitchen drain soils within 10 days.